Sunday, March 23, 2014

Has Bacon Finally Sold Out? (Ribs with Bacon BBQ Sauce)

I'm all for adding bacon to just about everything, but bacon consumerism has exploded in the past few years, which leads me to wonder, when have we gone too far?  Check out this product line expansion from Clorox.  (I have my concerns about the "urine-activated sizzle sound.")  Come to find out, it's just an April Fools Joke, backed by Clorox. 

The weather here, while spring on the calendar has not been so spring in temperature lately.  That has curtailed my homemade bacon making.  I've had about enough so, I bought 3 slabs of pork belly at my local public market, and I've started the 12-day curing process.  In 2 weeks time I'll have the freshest bacon in all the land.  Or, at least Upstate New York.

What could possibly make slow-cooked ribs better?  How about a little bacon in the BBQ Sauce?

Ribs with Bacon Barbeque Sauce
2-4 pounds pork spareribs or country style ribs
1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce
1 can of your favorite beer
4-6 slices of bacon, cooked, chopped fine

Turn on  oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and immediately place bacon on a broiling pan or cooling rack over a cookie sheet and bake until bacon is done and crispy.  Approx 25 minutes.  Remove from oven and cool on a paper towel-lined plate.  Crumble and set aside.

In a bowl, combine BBQ sauce and crumbled bacon, set aside.. Split ribs down the center between the bones.

Heat a large lightly oiled skillet over medium-high heat. Add ribs and sear until browned. Place ribs in a single layer in a baking pan or casserole dish. Pour half of the sauce over the ribs, reserve remainder.

Bake ribs in preheated oven for 3 hours. Turn and baste meat every twenty minutes with remaining sauce, using all sauce by two hours. Continue turning and basting ribs using sauce in the pan during the last hour of baking.

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